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Obama “Boosts” Anti-Semitism? These Smears Must Stop.

Aaron Keyak — March 13, 2009 – 10:15 am | Barack Obama | Israel | Republicans | Stop the Smears Comments (2) Add a comment

Yesterday, I wrote about the U.S. rebuke of a top U.N. official for “his frequent public attacks against the United States and Israel are undercutting the standing of the world’s most representative body.”

Today, The New York Times reports, “the United States was puzzled by Britain’s announcement last week that it was re-establishing contact with the political wing of the militant group Hezbollah.”

An excerpt:

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the matter, said the British government had informed the “previous administration” of its diplomatic overture, suggesting that the Obama administration felt somewhat blindsided by the initiative.

The United States, the official said, wanted Britain to explain “the difference between the political, social and military wings of Hezbollah because we don’t see the difference between the integrated leadership that they see.”

Despite these actions by the current administration, President Barack Obama’s right-wing critics continue to maintain, “the pro-Israel community…[does] not have an ally in the White House.” They don’t stop there. Obama’s critics accuse him outright of boosting anti-Semitism: “Anti-Israelism and other forms of latent anti-Semitism have also received a boost from President Obama”

The smear campaign during the presidential elections waged against candidate Obama has continued during his presidency. By overwhelmingly supporting President Barack Obama, the Jewish community rejected not only the false premise of these attacks, but the tactic altogether.


Rosaline Diamant | March 14, 2009 – 12:56 pm

Jews overwhelmingly support President Obama. People who say otherwise are just fomenting trouble and distractions. Obama is smart, rational, reasonable, and decent. Let’s focus on nuclear threats and the economy.

Sandi Ogin | March 15, 2009 – 8:14 pm

I am continuously still finding a Jewish friend, here and there, who is worried that Obamma will be dangerous for Israel….so keep doing what you are doing to speak out against smears….

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