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Response to the GOP’s Challenge to Climate Change

David Streeter — December 10, 2009 – 12:02 pm | Environment | GOP Hypocrisies | Republicans Comments (3) Add a comment

Aaron Keyak, NJDC’s Communications Director, and David A. Harris, NJDC’s President, both responded to the GOP’s latest challenging of the scientific evidence and broad consensus in the scientific community in support of climate change. Keyak responded in a piece published in The Hill to Sarah Palin’s call for President Barack Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference on climate change.

Keyak wrote:

I don’t agree with Sarah Palin’s call for President Barack Obama to boycott the Copenhagen climate talks. ... Palin’s characterization of evidence supporting climate change as “junk science” reminds us that Palin is just another Republican leader who has fully paid her “membership dues to the anti-science, flat-earth society.”... It is dangerous when GOP leaders continue to label the scientific evidence behind global warming as “just plain old politics.”

Harris responded in a piece on Talking Points Memo in which he attacked the Republican Jewish Coalition for promoting conspiracy theories about climate change.

Harris wrote:

In a post on RJC’s blog, Matthew Brooks, RJC’s Executive Director, wrote that “the last thing we need is additional regulations that are the result of flawed science.” Later, Brooks reemphasized his opinion by labeling the science behind global warming as “questionable.” ... RJC’s statements on the environment are nothing more than an effort to pander to the GOP’s clearly authoritative and world-renowned climate research experts—Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. Considering the certainty of the statements from these Republican leaders they, presumably, have spent their entire careers researching climate change (along with their Tea Partying base).

Harris included a special message for Brooks at the end of his piece:

Congratulations, Mr. Brooks; it seems that you have fully paid your membership dues to the anti-science, flat-earth society. Good luck trying to find a minyan!


milan milenkovic | December 11, 2009 – 9:15 pm

A) ...“Nation that lead in Clean - Energy economy , will be Nation that lead in Global Economy”.
B)  We have to care / worry what kind of world we will leave to our children and next generations…

These questions are so important for our economy and for our national energy independence.

Climate change for national security threats are real.  It’s rising concerns for world uncontrolled:  worsening storms, droughts, floods, the increased spread of disease, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and more severe shortages of food and water…
( “ In the past year, food insecurity has affected about 30 countries… The U.N. secretary general said there can be NO food security without climate security : One billion hungry people, that is one of every group of six persons in the world, 105 million more than in 2008, five children dying every 30 seconds… ( UN -  Rome - climate change- 11.16.09. ).

Pr Obama : “ No one nation is responsible for climate change, no one nation can address it alone… We can let climate change continue to go unchecked or we can help stop it…Our generation’s response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it—boldly, swiftly, and together—we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe.”

*  Ozone reductions (estimated to be ~1-3% globally) can cause environmental problems due to the increase in UV-B radiation. One such problem involves increases in skin cancer.
It is known, for example, that more than 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are related to UV-B exposure. A 2% increase in UV-B is linked with a 2-5% increase in basal-cell cancer cases and a 4-10% increase in squamous-cell cancer cases. ( 1% depletion of ozone would cause an increase in skin cancer cases of ~20,000 per year…)

Secretary Clinton: “Climate change is a clear and present danger to our world that demands immediate attention. The United States is fully engaged and ready to lead and determined to make up for lost time, both at home and abroad.”.


1. Eliminate greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere because of human activities, like:
ozone depleting substances worldwide : HFCs ( Hydrofluorocarbons ) and other Fluorinated Gases ; than :  Carbon Dioxide ( CO2 ) , Methane ( CH4 ), Nitrous Oxide ( N2O)...
The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels ( oil, gas, petrol, kerosene, etc.)  leading to the emission of carbon dioxide,  has been increased dramatically over the past 50 years.  The long atmospheric lifetimes of some of the gases are : 100 years for CO2,  60-100 years for HFCs, 170 years for N2O,  etc.
The Copenhagen international climate change:  December 07. - 18. 2009. can find solution what to do with 30 billion tons of CO2 the human race produce every year by burning fossil fuels. Half of this is absorbed by oceans, plants and trees ...  New Jersey shore is one of many examples how to store several hundred billion tons of CO2 ,by injecting CO2 into undersea rock…

2. Pr Obama called to reduce USA greenhouse gas emission 80% and global emission 50 % by 2050.( (from 1990 levels).  U.S. position for talks in Copenhagen is probable, 17 %  reduction over 2005 levels of the domestic emissions of the gases by 2020.
Pr Obama and his Team favored method for reducing carbon emissions was the creation of a cap-and-trade scheme.  Under his scheme, the amount of carbon that could be emitted in the US would be capped, and firms would be given permits (according to their size) to emit specified amounts of carbon. Firms that produce less carbon would be able to trade their permits to firms that need to produce more than their allotted quota, so the scheme would create a financial incentive for companies to reduce their carbon emissions.

3.  We need to reach world agreement for low-carbon development…

4.  Limit global warming to NO more than two degrees Celsius during 21 Century.
The drastic increase in the emission of carbon dioxide within the last 30 years caused by burning fossil fuels ( oil, coal and natural gas)  has been identified as the major reason for the change of temperature in the atmosphere. World-wide, about 80% of all energy used is currently from fossil fuels.
Global surface temperature increased 0.74 +/- 0.18 C ( 1.33 +/- 0.32 F ) during last century.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) report indicate that the global surface temperature will probable rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 C ( 2.0 to 11.5 F ) during 21. Century.
IPCC concludes that increasing greenhouse gas concentrations resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation caused most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20 th century. Worming will be stronger in the Arctic…
( “ The sea level rises for two reasons. Partly because of the melting ice and snow, and partly because of the thermal expansion of the sea. Thermal expansion takes a long time, but even an increase in temperature of two degrees Celsius is expected, in due time, to cause a rise in the water level of almost a metre”.).

Robby-FL | December 12, 2009 – 1:56 pm

Sorry, but insults do not make the flawed “science” of human induced global warming, any less of a hoax. This idea of a “broad consensus”, or as Al Gore puts it, “the debate is over” , is just a tactic to stifle debate.  What are you so afraid of? If you are speaking the truth, you do not need to resort to insults to get your point across, which leads me to believe that you are not really so sure of your “science”.

Leon Kapp | December 13, 2009 – 3:19 am

Wonder if you only allow posts that agree with democrat party positions here?  There are hundreds of world class scientists speaking out against the government-funded (bought and paid for?) climate research.  Start here—The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC - see —or does NJDC only consider science if it fits the party line?

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