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The Return of the Birthers?

David Streeter — March 16, 2010 – 9:57 am | Election 2010 | GOP Hypocrisies | Republicans Comments (0) Add a comment

The Birthers seem to making a comeback in Virginia.

It appears that Virginia’s Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has spent some of his time pondering intricate ways to challenge President Barack Obama’s documented—and Republican Governor confirmed—birth in Hawaii. Listen to his legal scheming:



Cuccinelli has since distanced himself from his statements. But with a well strategized approach like that, challenging the validity of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate must have been on his mind for some time, even though previous efforts have been dismissed at various levels of the judicial system.

As a side note, Cuccinelli also supports Governor Bob McDonnell’s efforts to strip gays and lesbians of their civil rights. He must have forgotten that he was elected to serve all Virginians and not the right wing’s most fanatical elements.

Cuccinelli is also joined by Republican House Candidate Ben Loyola, who is “not sure” if Obama was born in Hawaii and admitted that the matter “troubles” him.

Thankfully efforts are being made outside of Virginia to crack down on this apparent resurgence. Orly Taitz, one of the most outspoken advocates for the Birthers, has been slapped with a $20,000 fine for her frivolous court case challenging Obama’s birth certificate. Additionally, Hawaiian legislators are attempting to make it more difficult to challenge Obama’s authentic—and Republican certified—birth certificate.



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